Our Team

Food Security Structures Canada is led by a dedicated team of professionals committed to
supporting our clients and communities grow fresh nutritious food locally, all year round regardless of location or climate.

Kim Parker
President & CEO

I’m excited to bring my 25+ years of leadership, sales, and marketing experience to this important initiative. I'm passionate about using my skills to help create sustainable food solutions for Canada's northern communities, urban food deserts, and at risk communities around the world.

I was raised on a small family farm in Southwestern Ontario, and know how important our gardens were to our food security. Like my mother and grandmothers before me, I’ve always had a garden to provide fresh vegetables for my family, and know how important our harvests were to our family’s wellness.  

My Metis heritage has also played an important role in grounding me, and helping me maintain my connection with the earth, community, and family.  Each day I strive to honour my relatives - past, present & future - with the work that I do.

I believe that everyone has the right to be able to access affordable, fresh, healthy food, and I’m excited to be able to help bring this innovative growing system to people everywhere.

Greg Whiteside
Vice-President & Chief Technology Officer

I’ve been interested in how machines and things work since I built my first crystal radio kit at age 6, and have always enjoyed learning about Science & Technology.

Over the past 35 years, I have developed many eco-friendly products: Pollution-Free Enclosed Swimming Areas that float in any body of water, automotive hydrogen injection equipment, and a chemical-free copper/silver ionization water purification system that's used in swimming pools today.

I’m a mentor and resource member of the Solar CITIES Biogas Innoventors & Builders non-profit organization. We teach people around the developing world how to build biodigestors, that reduce greenhouse gas, generate organic fertilizer to re-mediate depleted soils, and produces free clean cooking fuel.

Experience and knowledge from all of these areas has helped us create a unique system that can alleviate the food insecurity issues facing many communities across Canada and around the world.

Kemp Edwards

Chief Development Officer



Over the past 25 years, I’ve dedicated myself to supporting, growing and consulting businesses on a path to sustainability. I have taken several businesses from launch to become multi-million dollar enterprises and, in so doing, have negotiated partnerships and/or developed programs for globally recognized Companies such as COCA-COLA, TELUS, The UNEP, The IOC, FIFA, and DISNEY.

In an effort to best understand the complexities and inner workings of a Company and thereby provide the best guidance and support, I’ve built experience in production, marketing, both domestic and international sales, operations, human resources, and finance.

My experience ranges from bio plastics, and sustainable fuel treatments, to ethical sourcing, sustainable apparel manufacturing, and material development.

I currently sit on the board of advisors for Kwantlen Polytechnic University and speak regularly at events on the topics of ethical sourcing and social equity. The contacts I have built over the last few decades share my interest in social and environmental responsibility and I am excited for the opportunity to focus our combined attentions on tackling the growing problem of food insecurity.

Chief Financial Officer

Lizette Lacoursiere
Project Consultant

Adam Katz
Project Consultant

Scott Davis
Manager, Special Projects

Jody Spangler
Master Grower & Crop Specialist

Janice Kelsy
Bio-Digestion Specialist

Melissa Arts
Agrotunnel Operations Manager